Product Code: HIGRO® ABS

HIGRO® ABS is a product which affects plant growth by reducing cell division at it’s growing points. This product should be used during hot periods (summer months).  
During hot weather conditions, the transpiration of plant occurs too much especially from leaves but also from stems and flowers and needs to much water and nutrition.
 In these conditions, internode elongation is increased due to fast growing and plant height. For this reason, the plants develop as very long internode, a loose higher growth habit and thin weak stems.
 In these cases, HIGRO® ABS is the original, safe and reliable plant regulator. HIGRO® ABS should be used for ONE SINGLE APPLICATION during the season when the plants height reaches 25 – 30 cm ( i.e. after first or second blossoming). Never apply over dosage for HIGRO® ABS into soil 
The ideal application method of HIGRO® ABS is into soil. HIGRO® ABS passes into the roots, then moves within the plant to its growing points. This reduces internode elongation. Treated plants develop a shorter, more compact growth habit when compared to untreated plants.

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