HIGRO® 15 CaO-4448

Product Code: HIGRO® 15 CaO

HIGRO® 15 CaO, undertakes tasks to strengthen cell wall structure and tissues within plants. Calcium pectate compounds among cell walls help in protecting plant tissues and fruits against numerous fungi, bacteria infections.
HIGRO® 15 CaO improves better consistency and strengthening of tissues in both leaves and fruits. HIGRO® 15 CaO is also very important plant nutrient for successful storage, shelf life and handling.
HIGRO® 15 CaO makes the plant more resistant to eliminate problems of all kinds of calcium deficiencies such as bitter pit symptoms (in apple) in fruit production, blossom end rot in tomato, tipburn (lettuce), rose bent neck and fruit crackings.
Translocation of calcium into plant tissues is a serious problem especially under winter conditions even in relatively mild winters. HIGRO® 15 CaO is extremely effective and helpful product during winter periods to eliminate calcium (Ca) deficiency due to GLUTAMIC ACID which is involved in HIGRO® 15 CaO, this plays a key role in increase absorbtion and translocation of calcium within plant.

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