Ozone Filters-22852

Product Code: 29

What is Ozone?
Ozone is a chemical compound composed of three oxygen atoms. Ozone is an odorous and colorless gas.

Ozone is generated as a result of the fusion of oxygen atoms generated by collision of high power sunlight with normal oxygen molecules with other oxygen molecules.

Ozone is a colorless and odorous gas at room temperature. It is easily felt at heights or on seaside after rain, thunderstorms or stormy weather. You can smell ozone at high voltage transformers, high voltage transmission lines, behind televisions and near photocopiers.

Ozone gas is found in stratosphere and serves as a shield which protects all living creatures from fatal ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. If there was no ozone layer, the sun's radiation would reach the earth and cause genetic damages to living creatures. The blue color of the sky is due to ozone gas.

What are the Benefits of Ozone?

• Ozone is the strongest known oxidant,
• It doesn't harm the environment and is environment friendly,
• Its effect is immediate,
• It doesn't leave any residue behind,
• It is 3.125 times more effective than chlorine,
• It destroys microorganisms and prevents their formation,
• It prevents formation of many airborne bacteria,
• It doesn't include chemical substances,
• It destroys residues of chemical substances,
• It instantly oxidizes odor, bacteria, mold, spores, germs and fungi,
• It is safe to use in foodstuff,
• It cannot be stored and is only generated at the site of use,
• It should be used in accordance with experts' advice.

Ozone Usage in Cleaning Air

When ozone is used in central air-conditioning systems, there will be no off odors in the ambient air and the risk of infectious diseases is eliminated. Ozone neutralizes the bacteria and germs in the air and sterilizes the space. Within 5 to 30 minutes following the reaction, ozone molecules begin to transform into oxygen depending on ambient air temperature. Due to this feature, ozone doesn't leave any waste and doesn't pose a risk of generating by-products as opposed to other disinfectants.
The studies conducted have revealed that, being a powerful oxidant, ozone can be used as;
* germicidal,
* anti-odor and
* eliminator of numerous organic molecules polluting the environment both in water and air.

Ozone has a destructive effect on all known types of bacteria, fungi, ferment and mold. For this reason, it is used in places where the humans are densely present like hospitals, hotels, conference halls, schools for sterilization. Ozone eliminates air pollution and foul odors in the environment and refreshes and braces people.

Odors Eliminated by Ozone

Ozone eliminates odors of hospital, cigarette, chicken and fish, good, oil, burned food, water, carbon monoxide, onion, garlic, carpet, bathroom, mold, animals, paints, alcohol, coal, gasoline, medical, cesspool, garbage, carrion, treatment facilities, smoke, carbon black, grill, barbecue etc.

How Ozone is Obtained?
Ozone is generated as the result of the fission of oxygen atoms by ultraviolet rays emitted by sun and being transformed into ozone molecules.
Technologically, ozone is obtained by decomposing the oxygen in the air with electric power or from pure oxygen.
Ozone gas is the only natural disinfectant with commercial use. Ozone transforms into oxygen after completing its task.
What is the Effect of Ozone on Disinfection?
Ozone disinfection fragments the cell membranes of odor molecules, microorganisms and germs and destroys them.
Ozone has 3.100 times stronger disinfection effect than chlorine under the same conditions. Following the disinfection process, ozone gas is transformed into oxygen without leaving any residues in 30 minutes in open environment and within 8-12 hours in a package.
In a report published by World Health Organization in 1979, ozone disinfection was recommended. Ozone gas was regarded as a generally accepted as safe gas (GRAS) and its use in foodstuff has become widespread.
Amounts of Ozone to be Used

0.001 - 0.064 ppm good,
0,065 - 0,084 ppm medium,
0,085 - 0,104 ppm unhealthy for sensitive persons,
0,105 - 0,124 ppm unhealthy,
0,125 - 0,404 ppm is very unhealthy.

Effect of Ozone on Living Creatures

There are some limitations to be considered in the use of ozone. World Health Organization recommends that the amount of ozone in environments where humans live should not be more than 0.04 ppm. Exposure to higher amounts of ozone may irritate upper respiratory tract. There is no harmful effect if 0.04 ppm is given at intervals. When the average amount of ozone in the environment is 0.04 ppm, the risk of being harmed by ozone will be too low because ozone will emit a disturbing odor.
According to EPA, OSHO, USDA and ACGIH criteria in USA, exposure to ozone amounting 0.4 ppm for 8 hours doesn't have any adverse effect on human health.

0.001 - 0.003 ppm Smell is felt
0.003 - 0.005 ppm In a clean weather, at sea level
0,005 - 0,010 ppm Forest air. Disinfectant effect begins, smell is felt
0,011 - 0,020 ppm Eliminates 90% of bacteria in the air
0.021 - 0.050 ppm Found in air after thunderbolts. It can reach up to 0.100 ppm
0.050 ppm Safety level in continuous breathing (FDA)
0.100 ppm Should not to be inhaled for more than 8 hours/day (FDA)
0.120 ppm Determined as city air threshold level by EPA
1.000 - 2.0 ppm Known as tolerance level for humans
5.000-10.0 ppm Pulse, body ache, numbness, pulmonary edema may be observed
15.0 - 20.0 ppm Small animals die within 2 hours
50.0 ppm Human life is in danger within 1 hour

Is Ozone Gas Harmful to Human Health?

Ozone gas is obtained from the air we breathe or from pure oxygen. Due to its unstable structure, it transforms into oxygen again. It is not harmful to human health unless it is continuously because it is a natural disinfectant which doesn't leave any residue.

US institutions EPA, OSHA, USDA and ACGIH found that there is no side effect of being exposed to 0.1 ppm ozone for 8 hours.

Our company grounds on the above-mentioned criteria when applying ozone filters.

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