Parkinson's and the Brain Battery-47284

Product Code: 03

What is Parkinson's?
Parkinson's is a chronic neurological disease caused by a deficiency of a substance called "dopamine" in the brain.

What Symptoms Are A Precursor of Parkinson's?
Trembling on one side of the body in a “counting money” manner, slowing down in movements, non-participation of the arms in the body swing and walking sticking to the body; Facial condition that can be expressed as "mask face" with dulling of gaze and decrease in facial expressions, walking with small steps and leaning forward should make us think that this disease may be in the beginning stage and patients should consult a neurologist.

How Is Parkinson's Disease Treated?
The initial treatment of movement disorders that occur with tremors, such as Parkinson's, is drug therapy. In cases where drug treatment is not sufficient or severe drug side effects are experienced, it is possible to restore patients to near normal living standards with surgical interventions with brain batteries. In addition, "Essential Tremor" and "Dystonia", in which excessive body contractions occur, are among the diseases in which brain batteries are successful in cases where medical treatment is insufficient.

How Are Brain Surgeries Performed?
While the patient is awake, we place two electrodes in the areas detected in the brain in the brain battery surgeries we perform in a chat environment. A pacemaker, like a pacemaker, is implanted under the skin in the chest. Electrodes are connected to the battery with extension connections under the skin. During the battery programming process, which lasts for about 3 weeks after the surgery, we adjust the frequencies and parameters that will best suit the patient through the computer.

Does the Brain Battery Have a Lifespan?
Brain batteries have a battery life of approximately 4-6 years in Parkinson's patients, proportional to the electric current given to the patients. At the end of this period, the battery can be replaced with an operation of about half an hour.

What Do Brain Batteries Change in a Patient's Life?
After the surgery, patients can recover dramatically and return to their near-normal lives. Patients who cannot hold their fork, button their shirts, cannot live without help, and are disconnected from social life, are almost reconnected to life by finding the chance to live independently, regain their social life and do their old jobs after the brain battery.

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